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Soldiers attacked a checkpoint in Kharkiv

Soldiers attacked a checkpoint in Kharkiv Шn Kharkiv, armed individuals in military uniforms attacked a checkpoint (photo:

Armed individuals in military uniforms attacked a checkpoint in Kharkiv and demanded that police officers stop inspecting their vehicles, according to the Kharkiv region police.

A video, recorded on September 29, has appeared online. In the video, unidentified individuals in military uniforms with rifles ordered the law enforcement officers on duty at a stationary checkpoint in Kharkiv to lie down on the ground.

The armed individuals threatened the police officers with their weapons and demanded that their vehicles not be inspected.

Following this incident, the police reported opening a criminal case for threats to law enforcement officers.

The police have determined that around 3:00 PM on September 29, four off-road vehicles approached one of the checkpoints at the exit from Kharkiv. From these vehicles, men in military uniforms emerged, threatening with firearms the entire composite unit, which included police officers, border guards, National Guard members, and representatives of military law enforcement.

They demanded that checkpoints cease their inspections and searches of their vehicles while passing through. After a brief argument, they left the scene.

A criminal investigative team was dispatched to the scene to document the incident.

On the same day, investigators filed information with the Single Register of Pretrial Investigations regarding this incident under Article 345, Part 1 (threat or violence against a law enforcement officer) of the Criminal Code.