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Slovakia threatens Ukraine over termination of Russian oil transit

Slovakia threatens Ukraine over termination of Russian oil transit Slovenian President Peter Pellegrini (photo: Getty Images)

In Slovakia, threats have been made against Ukraine for stopping the transit of oil from the Russian company Lukoil. Bratislava claims it may take "undefined reciprocal measures," according to Dennikn.

The relevant statements were made by Slovak President Peter Pellegrini and Slovak Defense Minister Robert Kaliňák. They criticize Ukraine's refusal to transport Russian oil.

The Defense Minister stated that Ukraine is "taking a big risk" and that such actions are allegedly irresponsible.

President Peter Pellegrini suggested that Slovakia might take "undefined reciprocal measures if the situation does not improve." He reminded that Slovakia helped Ukraine with reverse gas supplies and assisted with electricity supplies.

"If the situation does not improve, we will have to respond," he said, adding that Slovakia does not deserve such treatment from Ukraine.

Situation overview

Recently, it became known that Ukraine stopped the transit of Russian Lukoil oil through the Druzhba pipeline. Slovakia and Hungary depend on these supplies. Both countries have begun criticizing Ukraine for refusing the transit.

Slovakia and Hungary have also stated that they want to seek consultations with Ukraine at the EU level and are threatening legal action.

For more details on the situation with the transit of Russian oil, read RBC-Ukraine's report.