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Slovak PM sets cynical condition for supporting military aid to Ukraine

Slovak PM sets cynical condition for supporting military aid to Ukraine Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico (Getty Images)

The new Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, has stated to other EU leaders that the 50 billion euros in aid to Ukraine should include guarantees that "the funds will not be embezzled," according to The Guardian.

“Ukraine is among the most corrupt countries in the world and we are conditioning what is excessive financial support on guarantees that European money (including Slovak) will not be embezzled,” Fico said.

The Prime Minister of Slovakia does not support providing military assistance to Ukraine

Yesterday, the newly appointed Robert Fico stated that the country would not support providing military assistance to Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression.

The head of the Slovak government confirmed the refusal to provide assistance to the Ukrainian side during his address to the members of the parliamentary committee on European affairs before the leaders' summit in Brussels on October 26.

"It's better for them to negotiate peace for 10 years than to kill each other for 10 years with no results," Fico said.

He also expressed the opinion that Russia is achieving "greater territorial gains than Ukraine" at this stage of the war.

Later, Slovakia came up with an excuse for refusing military aid to Ukraine. The country claimed it could no longer provide assistance because it needed to keep its own defense capabilities.

Slovakian parliamentary elections

At the end of September, parliamentary elections were held in Slovakia, resulting in the majority of votes going to the pro-Russian party Smer-SD. It is led by Robert Fico.

On October 25, Fico officially became the Prime Minister of Slovakia, and a new government was appointed. Among other appointments, Juraj Blanar, a controversial figure who in 2014 spoke of a "civil war" in Ukraine, became the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.