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'Situation is difficult': Ukraine's energy minister on power outages caused by missile strikes

'Situation is difficult': Ukraine's energy minister on power outages caused by missile strikes Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko (Getty Images)

The situation in Ukraine's energy sector remains complicated due to Russia's missile attack on August 26. The consequences are being clarified, according to Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko.

“The enemy is again terrorizing the whole of Ukraine with missiles. The energy sector is targeted. The enemy does not abandon plans to deprive Ukrainians of electricity,” he wrote.

Halushchenko said that the transmission system operator had urgently introduced emergency power outages.

“The situation is difficult, the consequences of the attacks are being clarified. Power engineers are already working to eliminate them,” the minister added.

On the morning of August 26, the Russian army launched another massive missile attack on Ukraine.

Ukrenergo energy company applied emergency blackouts due to the shelling.

The head of the Lviv regional administration, Maksym Kozytskyi, said that Russians had attacked energy facilities in the region, which caused problems with electricity.

Read more about the attack in RBC-Ukraine's report "Ukraine under massive Russian attack: Current information".