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Situation at front to remain difficult for at least another month - Budanov

Situation at front to remain difficult for at least another month - Budanov Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The situation on the frontline in Ukraine will not turn into Armageddon, but will remain difficult for at least another month, states Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, in his interview for The Philadelphia Inquirer.

"The good news is that no Armageddon will emerge. The bad news is that the situation is quite difficult. It will remain like this for at least one month, and will not become easier," the DIU chief said in the interview.

According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, Russian troops are expected to try to exert maximum pressure on the frontline ahead of the 75th anniversary NATO summit, as well as before larger shipments of shells and other important weapons from the United States begin to arrive.

"We will do everything possible to prevent them, and to minimize the Russian successes," Budanov emphasized.

Situation at the front

The Russian army continues its attempts to capture the entire territory of the Donetsk region and continues to try to advance in other areas. In addition, in May, the Russians launched an offensive campaign in the Kharkiv region, towards Vovchansk and Kharkiv.

Since the beginning of June 23, almost a hundred battles have taken place at the front. Today alone, the total enemy losses in the Pokrovsk, Kupiansk, and Lyman sectors are approaching 500 killed and wounded.

In addition, according to the Institute for the Study of War, Russian troops may be preparing an offensive in another direction.