Simple test to predict whether you are prone to stroke

A study shows that a test that examines blood vessels in the back of the eye can predict a person's risk of stroke. The fact is that the complex vascular network of the retina has similarities with the brain network, reports Daily Express.
What you need to know about the stroke test
Analysis of such characteristics as the density, tortuosity, and branching angle of veins and arteries can provide clues to a person's systemic health.
The researchers analyzed images of more than 45 thousand people registered in the UK Biobank. Of these, 749 had suffered a stroke during an average follow-up period of 13 years.
The study identified 29 indicators of vascular health that seem to help predict a person's stroke risk.
When combined with information about their age and gender, this "vascular fingerprint" was as good at predicting stroke risk as analyzing traditional risk indicators such as cholesterol, weight, and smoking status.
The team noted that their method uses fundus photography, which is already widely offered by opticians. The painless, non-invasive procedure involves taking pictures of the back inner wall of the eye.
It is noted that traditional methods of assessing stroke risk, such as blood tests, can be invasive or expensive, and have a limited prognosis.
"Improved stroke prediction models are needed, and new approaches to retinal vascular analysis offer the opportunity to improve the accuracy of the prediction," the scientists believe.
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