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Ship loaded with humanitarian grain departs from Ukrainian port for first time this year

Ship loaded with humanitarian grain departs from Ukrainian port for first time this year For the first time this year, a ship with humanitarian grain left a Ukrainian port (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

For the first time in 2024, a vessel with humanitarian wheat left a Ukrainian port. The SKY GATE bulk carrier is transporting 25,000 tons of grain for Nigeria, according to the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine.

According to Oleksandr Kubrakov, Vice Prime Minister for Reconstruction of Ukraine, the Ukrainian corridor is now the main way for Ukrainian farmers to access global markets. This is important for the country's economic recovery and for maintaining global food security. In just six months, more than 15 million tons of Ukrainian grain cargo was exported from the ports of Odesa.

Photo: A ship with humanitarian grain left a Ukrainian port for the first time this year (

"The bulk carrier SKY GATE with 25 thousand tons of Ukrainian humanitarian wheat for Nigeria is moving through the Ukrainian corridor," the press service writes.

GrainFromUkraine program

The program was initiated by Ukraine in November 2022 amid Russia's blockade of Ukrainian ports, which exacerbated the food crisis for vulnerable countries around the world.

New grain corridor

In mid-July 2023, Russia withdrew from the grain deal, which allowed Ukraine to export grain via the Black Sea. After that, it was decided to resume exports without the terrorist country's participation. The enemy tried to prevent this in every way possible, including by attacking ports and infrastructure.

According to Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, in January of this year, Ukraine reached pre-war export volumes by sea, and in terms of total exports, it is already approaching the levels it had before the full-scale invasion.