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Shelling of Odesa: 130 people evacuated from the building, details

Shelling of Odesa: 130 people evacuated from the building, details RBC-Ukraine collage

Russian forces launched kamikaze drones of the Shahed type on Odesa. Several fires broke out, and there were also reported injuries, according the head of the Odesa Regional State Administration, Oleh Kiper.

"Russian terrorists attacked Odesa with kamikaze drones. There is damage to civilian residential infrastructure," stated Kiper.

According to him, the city has experienced several fires, and there are casualties among the civilian population. The exact number of casualties is being clarified.

Later, Kiper noted that one person was injured. A 62-year-old man sustained shrapnel wounds. Medical professionals are providing all necessary assistance.

The head of the Odesa Regional State Administration added that the number of injured as a result of the Russian attack has increased to three individuals. Another woman born in 1955 and a girl born in 1995 sustained injuries. Medical professionals are providing the necessary assistance. 130 civilians have been evacuated from the damaged building.

The enemy is attacking Odesa with Shahed drones

With the introduction of kamikaze drones into their arsenal, the Russians regularly use Shahed for strikes on Odesa and the region. It is noted that Russian forces attempt to target port infrastructure, grain terminals, as well as hospitals and residential buildings.

During the night of January 17, a series of loud explosions were heard in Odesa. Before this, Russian forces attacked the Odesa region late in the evening on January 7. As a result of the attack, a fire broke out due to the wreckage of one of the downed drones.