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Shelling of Kherson region - Child injured

Shelling of Kherson region - Child injured A child affected by shelling in the Kherson region (illustrative photo: Getty Images)

Russian Military Forces shelled the village of Kindiika in the Kherson region, resulting in an injury to an 11-year-old girl, according to Oleksandr Prokudin, the Head of the Kherson Regional Military Administration.

He mentioned that the girl sustained multiple injuries, including explosive and cranial-cerebral traumas, an open fracture of the left shoulder bone, and multiple shrapnel wounds to the chest and neck. She is currently in a coma.

According to him, earlier, due to the shelling of the village, three elderly women were also injured. Russian fire targeted the area near the church.

In total, since the beginning of the day, 16 people in the Kherson region have suffered injuries of varying degrees. Among them is a 9-month-old child.

Shelling of Kherson region

After Ukrainian Military Forces reclaimed the right bank of the Kherson region, the occupiers have been daily shelling the region. They are using heavy weaponry, aviation, and drones.

Just today, Russian forces have already attacked Kherson and Berislav. As a result of the shelling of the regional center, three people were injured, and in Berislav, one person was affected.