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September becomes the deadliest month for Russia throughout war - The Telegraph

September becomes the deadliest month for Russia throughout war - The Telegraph Photo: September was the deadliest month for Russia (Getty Images)

In September, Russia suffered the heaviest losses on the front since the start of the full-scale invasion, with average daily losses exceeding a thousand soldiers, The Telegraph reports.

British military intelligence stated that September was the deadliest month for the Russian army since the start of the war in Ukraine, as reported on Monday.

The average level of losses for the Russian army rose to 1,271 soldiers killed or seriously wounded per day. Previously, the highest daily loss rate among Russian soldiers was in May, with an average of 1,262 military personnel killed or injured.

Moreover, September marked the fifth consecutive month in which Russian losses exceeded 1,000 soldiers per day.

Analysts suggest that the high level of casualties is linked to the Russian tactic of mass infantry assaults, which often involves "meat wave" attacks where a large number of troops are sent to storm Ukrainian defensive positions.

The UK Ministry of Defence reported that Russia has lost nearly 650,000 soldiers since the invasion began in February 2022. Its losses averaged between 172 and 559 soldiers per day in 2022, peaking at 967 in 2023.

Frontline Situation on October 9

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine confirms the reported Russian losses. Specifically, according to their data, in just the last day from October 8 to 9, the Russians lost over a thousand soldiers on the front lines.

Additionally, today the General Staff reported that Russian military forces are actively using chemical weapons against the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated that Türkiye advocates for the return of territories to Ukraine, including Crimea.