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Senior Director for Europe at US National Security Council in Kyiv discussed aid to Ukraine

Senior Director for Europe at US National Security Council in Kyiv discussed aid to Ukraine Senior Director for Europe at the US National Security Council Michael Carpenter held talks with the Head of the Office of the President Andriy Yermak (photo:

Senior Director for Europe at the National Security Council of the US, Michael Carpenter, who is visiting Kyiv, held talks with the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andriy Yermak. The parties discussed, among other things, Washington's support in the context of Russia's military aggression, according to the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Bridget A. Brink.

According to the diplomat, the purpose of Carpenter's visit to Kyiv on May 13 was, among other things, to demonstrate the United States' unwavering support for Ukraine in its struggle against Russia's illegal aggression.

During the visit to Kyiv, the American official met with Ukrainian officials.

"Good discussion with Andriy Yermak and Michael Carpenter on how we can continue to enable Ukraine to defend itself against Russia now - and in the future," Brink said.

She also informed that on May 13, together with Carpenter, they met with representatives of, ANTS NGO, the Independent Anti-Corruption Commission, and Slidstvo, who strengthen Ukraine - and make its path to the EU and NATO possible - through anti-corruption reforms, a free press, and a powerful civil society.

Reference: Michael Carpenter is known as a veteran of American diplomacy. He is an expert on Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia. Carpenter previously worked both at the State Department and at the Pentagon, where he was responsible for Ukraine and Russia, as well as for arms control.

It was previously reported that in the summer of 2021, US President Joe Biden nominated Carpenter for the position of US Representative to the OSCE.