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Russians report drone attack, fire breaks out in Smolensk region

Russians report drone attack, fire breaks out in Smolensk region Photo: a fire in the Smolensk region after the alleged downing of drones (Russian media)

Russians reported a drone attack on the night of September 15. A fire was observed in the Smolensk region, although authorities are keeping this information quiet, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense on Telegram.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, air defense allegedly detected 29 drones during the night. The Russians claim that all of them were destroyed.

Of these, 15 were reportedly shot down over Bryansk region, five over Kursk region, four over Smolensk region, two over Oryol region, and one each over Belgorod, Kaluga, and Rostov regions.

The governor of Smolensk region also reported a drone attack, claiming that drones were intercepted in the Roslavl and Smolensk districts. According to him, there were no casualties or damage from the debris falling to the ground.

However, footage of a significant fire in Smolensk region following the explosions has been published online.

Ukrainian intelligence special operations

Ukrainian intelligence has conducted dozens of special operations, targeting facilities within Russia that support the war against Ukraine. These targets include airfields, oil depots, refineries, defense enterprises, and more.

At the beginning of September, SSU drones struck a munitions and equipment warehouse in Voronezh region, causing a large fire with explosions.

According to Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, Ukrainian drones can strike military targets in Russia at distances of up to 1,800 kilometers.