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Ukrainian drones capable of striking military targets in Russia up to 1,800 km away, spy boss says

Ukrainian drones capable of striking military targets in Russia up to 1,800 km away, spy boss says Head of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Kyrylo Budanov (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Ukrainian drones can now hit targets in Russia at distances of up to 1,800 kilometers, causing damage to Russian infrastructure supporting the war, according to the head of Defense Intelligence of Ukraine’s Defense Ministry, Kyrylo Budanov.

Budanov congratulated military personnel on Defense Intelligence Day, highlighting that their actions have proven that the Black Sea does not belong to Russia.

He emphasizes that Ukraine's drone systems, developed with input from intelligence specialists, can now target military facilities in Russia at distances up to 1,800 kilometers.

"Military air bases, which pose a constant threat to peaceful Ukrainian cities, are now under attack. All of Russia’s war-supporting infrastructure is taking damage and will continue to do so. Instead of defending its own land, Russia has chosen the misguided path of an unprovoked war and an assault on the territory of a sovereign state," Budanov said.

In the past year, Ukrainian cyber specialists have carried out dozens of successful operations, gaining valuable intelligence. he adds. Experts have penetrated enemy databases and identified vulnerabilities in communications.

"Active military intelligence units are constantly engaged in complex combat tasks on the front lines and beyond. These soldiers fend off enemy attacks, evacuate the wounded, free defenders and civilians from Russian captivity, and bring Ukrainian citizens back home from conflict zones," Budanov added.

Ukraine’s weapons production

Since the full-scale Russian invasion started, Ukraine has ramped up its weapons production, with important advancements in drone technology. New combat drones and reconnaissance UAVs have been developed.

Ukrainian specialists have also created naval drones, which have been used to attack Russian ships and other maritime targets successfully.

Recently, President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the development and successful use of a new domestically produced drone missile, named Palianytsia. He emphasized that this was not the last innovation from Ukraine’s defense industry.

For more details on Ukraine's secret weapons, see our full report.