ua en ru

Russians launched Iskander missile strike on Kostiantynivka - Child among the casualties

Russians launched Iskander missile strike on Kostiantynivka - Child among the casualties (Illustrative photo: Getty Images)

Russian terrorists launched a missile strike with an Iskander missile on Kostiantynivka in the Donetsk region on the morning of October 8. Among the wounded is a child, according to the Head of the Kostiantynivka Municipal Military Administration, Oleksii Roslov.

"The shelling occurred at 6:25 with an Iskander-guided missile. Currently, we know of 4 wounded, including one child born in 2014," Roslov said.

The Head of the Municipal Military Administration also noted that as a result of the shelling, the following were damaged:

  • 10 multi-story buildings;
  • 19 private houses;
  • gas pipeline;
  • power grid.

The situation in the Donetsk region

Russians open fire on cities and villages in the Donetsk region every day. Frontline settlements in the region, and even those in relative rear areas, are constantly under attack.

As acting head of the Donetsk Regional State Administration, Ihor Moroz, reported, that on October 7, a civilian was killed in Dronivka as a result of shelling by Russian terrorists.

"The total number of casualties in the region since the start of the full-scale war is indicated without taking into account Mariupol and Volnovakha," Moroz added.