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Russians introduce utility payment fees in occupied Donetsk region

Russians introduce utility payment fees in occupied Donetsk region Photo: Russian rubles (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

In the temporarily occupied Donetsk region, Russian forces are introducing a new fee on utility payments, forcing people to pay even more, according to the National Resistance Center (NRC).

Starting October 1, 2024, the Donbas Post Office will begin charging a commission for processing payments for housing and utility services. As a result, residents of the occupied territory will face a 1.5% increase in charges, even though these services are barely provided in practice.

“Moreover, the fee in any case must be at least 20 Russian rubles. Russian forces do not explain the reason for this improvement,'” the NRC states.

Meanwhile, residents of the Kirovskyi district of temporarily occupied Donetsk, who recently blocked roads in protest over water shortages, are still without running water in their homes. Yet, they continue to receive bills for payment.

At the end of the publication, the National Resistance Center called on residents to help identify those involved in such crimes against the local population. They encouraged people to send information regarding enemy positions, personnel, and equipment movements, as well as the identities of collaborators.

What else is happening in the occupation

In the occupied Luhansk region, Russian troops canceled benefits for schoolchildren and students. They are now required to pay the full fare for public transportation to reach their educational institutions.

Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported that drivers of transportation companies in the occupied part of the Kherson region have not been paid for over two months. The total arrears amount to over 40 million Russian rubles.