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Russians deliberately launch inaccurate missiles at Odesa - Ministry of Defense

Russians deliberately launch inaccurate missiles at Odesa - Ministry of Defense The Russians deliberately launched inaccurate missiles at the city (Photo: Getty Images)

Russia indiscriminately attacks Ukraine with imprecise weapons, including the deliberate use of inaccurate missiles to strike Odesa, claims the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense on its Twitter.

It is noted that the Kh-22 missile has a 50% chance of reaching a target with a 300-meter deviation.

"In fact, this means that even if the Kh-22s were targeting military or other infrastructure in Odesa last night, they could only hit them by accident. Those who gave the order and launched them were well aware of this," the statement says.

The Ministry of Defense has declared this to be a war crime, and those responsible will be held accountable.

Massive strike on Odesa

On the night of July 23, Russian occupiers launched 19 missiles of various types at the center of Odesa. Nine of them were intercepted by the air defense forces. This became the largest attack on the city since the full-scale war began.

The Russian missiles hit the historical center of Odesa, partially destroying the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral.

For more details on the consequences of the Russian missile strikes on Odesa on the night of July 23, read the material by RBC-Ukraine.