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Ballistics, victims and destroyed cathedral: largest Russian attack on Odesa

Ballistics, victims and destroyed cathedral: largest Russian attack on Odesa Consequences of the rocket attack on Odesa (Photo:

Odesa has experienced another missile attack by Russian forces, and the strikes on July 23 are already being assessed as the most devastating for the city center. Historic buildings and cultural landmarks were affected, and the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral was destroyed. There are many wounded and fatalities.

Rocket strikes on Odesa

During an announced air alarm, several powerful explosions were heard in Odesa around one o'clock at night. The Ukrainian Air Force Command reported the detection of launches of "Kalibr" cruise missiles and supersonic anti-ship missiles "Onyx" toward the southern regions of Ukraine.

As Sergiy Bratchuk, the Odesa Regional Military Administration spokesperson, mentioned, this missile attack was a combined one.


As reported by Oleg Kiper, the head of the Odesa Regional State Administration, in his Telegram message in the morning, the Russian shelling destroyed six residential buildings, including multi-story apartment buildings.

"Two architectural monuments, a church, were damaged. Dozens of cars were smashed. Many buildings had windows shattered, roofs, and facades damaged," the official stated.

He also published footage of the aftermath of the enemy's shelling of the city.

Consequences of rocket attacks on Odesa on the night of July 23 (Photo:

Additionally, the attack caused damage to Zhvanecky Boulevard in the city center, the House of Scientists - a monument of national significance, and several other nearby buildings.

The local publication "Dumska" reported that almost all antique stained-glass windows were shattered, and furniture that once belonged to the building's owner Tolstoy was damaged. Furthermore, a restaurant security guard was killed in the explosion.

Many casualties and fatalities

As reported by the press service of the Odesa City Council, as of 5:25 am, one fatality has been confirmed.

The State Emergency Service successfully rescued one person from the rubble. Another 19 people were injured, including four children.

Meanwhile, it is worth noting that the police had previously reported 22 injuries, including four children.

The aftermath of the attack in Odesa (Photo:

Fire at the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral and the destruction of the church

The Odesa City Administration confirmed that the Russian missile attack during the night destroyed the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, where an intense fire occurred due to the "hit."

"Besides significant damage to the building, Orthodox shrines suffered: the Kasperivska icon of the Mother of God, the patroness of Odesa, was recovered from the rubble," the message says.
Head of the Odesa District Military Administration, Yuriy Kruk, noted that during the night, the Russian occupiers struck the most significant blow to the city's historical center.
He added that the Russians targeted civilian infrastructure and residential buildings and "practically destroyed the largest cathedral in southern Ukraine."

A cleric of the Odesa Eparchy of the UOC, Archdeacon Andrii Palchuk, told "Suspilne" that the damage to the cathedral was enormous

"It hit the right side and penetrated to the ground floor. Half of the cathedral was left without a roof. The central piles and the foundation were destroyed. All the windows and stucco moldings were blown out. There was a fire, the part where icons and candles are sold in the church caught fire," he said.

Odesa missile strikes

As reported by the Operational Command "South," Russia attacked Odesa on the night using at least five types of missiles of all types of deployment: these were "Kalibr" cruise missiles, "Onyx" supersonic anti-ship missiles, X-22, and "Iskander-K," as well as ballistic "Iskander-M."

The Ukrainian Air Defense destroyed a significant part of the missiles. The rest destroyed at least six residential buildings, including multi-story apartment buildings in Odesa.

Natalia Humeniuk, a spokesperson for the Operational Command "South," confirmed that the most significant destruction occurred in the historical center of Odesa. She added that, as usual, the enemy directed its strikes toward the port infrastructure and the city center.
Changes in public transport routes

As the Odesa Municipal Electric Transport Company reported, trolleybus route No. 10 temporarily operates only to Rishelievska Street due to the enemy's missile shelling.

Russian strikes on Odesa and other cities in southern Ukraine

After withdrawing from the "grain deal," Russia almost nightly carries out missile strikes on Odesa and the region. The enemy also uses kamikaze drones and missiles of various types to strike at the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions, resulting in deaths and injuries to civilians.

On the night of July 23, the occupiers carried out another combined attack on the city and region using "Onyx," X-22, and "Kalibr" cruise missiles. According to the Odesa Regional Military Administration, the missile strikes caused damage to civilian objects and residential buildings.

As Natalia Humeniuk, the Operational Command "South spokesperson," stated, Russia did not achieve its goals with these attacks, so they will continue to strike.