ua en ru

Russians brutally kill Ukrainian informant revealing invaders' positions in occupied territories

Russians brutally kill Ukrainian informant revealing invaders' positions in occupied territories Russian soldier (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

A Russian military officer told his wife about the brutal killing of a Ukrainian citizen who was the informant of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, according to intercepted communications released by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

According to him, Russians are now not being trained much but are immediately sent to the front lines. However, in the past, they used to send prisoners who had signed contracts and then military personnel into battle. Currently, the Russian army faces a significant shortage of troops.

He also revealed that they do not take prisoners but instead kill them because they are considered "excess weight."

"Well, there was one here, he was hanging lanterns on the buildings. To signal them (Ukrainian military -Ed.) positions. So, they found out about him and shot him. In the basement. And then they threw grenades at him," he says.

Frontline situation as of the morning

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the morning of September 4, the Ukrainian Armed Forces continue their offensive operation in the Melitopol direction, consolidating their positions at achieved lines and conducting counter-battery measures. During the day, there were 29 combat engagements.

The aircraft of the defense forces carried out 11 strikes during the day on areas with concentrations of personnel, weaponry, and military equipment, and 2 strikes on enemy air defense missile systems.

Units of missile troops and artillery inflicted damage on 11 artillery pieces at firing positions and 4 enemy command posts during the day.