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Russians attacked Odesa region with ballistics: Details revealed

Russians attacked Odesa region with ballistics: Details revealed Photo: Russians attacked the Odesa region with ballistics on June 30 (armyinform com ua)

Russian forces attacked Odesa region with a ballistic missile on June 30. Reports from the region indicated explosions, according to the Air Command South.

"In the morning of June 30, Russian occupiers launched a ballistic missile, likely an Iskander-M, targeting the Odesa region from the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea," the statement read.

Additionally, at dawn, the occupiers conducted an airstrike using guided bombs on the Kherson region.

Shelling with ballistic missiles in Odesa region

Explosions were reported in Odesa region on June 30. Military authorities warned of the ballistic threat and the missile aimed towards the region.

It's worth noting that this is not the first time occupiers have targeted the region with ballistic weaponry. For instance, on April 6, they attacked the Odesa region with an Iskander-M missile.