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Russians aim to capture Ukraine's only coking coal mine near Pokrovsk - Reuters

Russians aim to capture Ukraine's only coking coal mine near Pokrovsk - Reuters Illustrative photo: Russians want to seize Ukraine's only coking coal mine near Pokrovsk (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Russian troops are advancing toward Pokrovsk. They are likely to seize a coking coal mine, according to Reuters.

As the agency reports, the Russian forces want to seize the mine because it is important for Ukraine's metallurgical industry. The mine is located about 10 km west of the city center. It produces a special type of coal needed for coke production.

Oleksandr Kalenkov, head of Ukraine's steelmakers' association, told Reuters that the loss of the Pokrovsk mine could lead to a drop in steel production.

"We could make up to 7.5 million metric tons of steel by the end of the year and, for next year, we saw an increase in production to over 10 million," said Kalenkov.

According to Kalenkov, this will also lead to an increase in production costs for steelmakers.

"There will be imports, of course, but there won't be enough imports," he said.

In Pokrovsk there is one of Ukraine's largest coking coal mines, the Pokrovsk mine management. This mine is a key enterprise in the region, specializing in the extraction of high-quality coking coal used in the metallurgical industry for steel production.

The Pokrovsk mine is one of the largest in Ukraine, and its output is of strategic importance, supplying metallurgical plants with essential raw materials. The enterprise operates at deep coal seams, requiring modern technologies and equipment for extraction.

Situation in the Pokrovsk area

The Pokrovsk direction remains one of the hottest spots on the front, where ongoing combat and shelling lead to disruptions in electricity and water supply.

Despite the challenging conditions, around 16,000 people still reside in the city, although evacuation is ongoing. Due to Russian strikes, northern Donetsk region recently experienced power outages, and the water supply to Pokrovsk has been interrupted.

Recently, Ukrainian forces have managed to halt the advance of the Russian army near Pokrovsk in Donetsk region.