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Russian vacation with missiles: Partisans in Sochi discover Pantsir system on beach

Russian vacation with missiles: Partisans in Sochi discover Pantsir system on beach Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Partisans in Sochi have identified a Russian Pantsir-S1 air defense system. It has been placed right on a beach frequented by vacationers, according to the resistance movement ATESH.

A resistance movement agent recorded the placement of the air defense system near Kuba Beach in the Russian city of Sochi.

"Due to fears of missile attacks, Russians are not being selective about where they position military objects, and a beach where people come to relax is not an obstacle," the report states.

The partisans said that they continue to monitor and document military targets for future sabotage.

Disrupted vacation season for Russia

This is not the first time Russians have placed military equipment over the heads of tourists on beaches.

In particular, this tactic has also been actively used by the occupiers in Crimea, where vacations have become virtually impossible due to safety concerns amidst constant strikes by Ukrainian defense forces.