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Russian troops strike Zaporizhzhia: Consequences revealed

Russian troops strike Zaporizhzhia: Consequences revealed Photo: Russians shelled Zaporizhzhia on June 12 (illustration/Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Russian troops attacked Zaporizhzhia on June 12. A critical infrastructure facility was hit, according to Ivan Fedorov, head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration.

At about 12:49 p.m., an explosion occurred in Zaporizhzhia.

"Russia hit one of the critical infrastructure facilities. There is damage," he says in a statement.

Fortunately, according to him, there were no casualties.

Russian shelling of Zaporizhzhia

Russians are constantly shelling Zaporizhzhia.

For example, during a massive Russian attack, 12 explosions occurred in Zaporizhzhia on March 22. People were injured, seven buildings were destroyed, and dozens were damaged. In particular, traffic along the Dnipro hydroelectric dam was restricted.