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Russian troops control about 40% of Chasiv Yar - Defense Forces

Russian troops control about 40% of Chasiv Yar - Defense Forces Photo: Ukrainian forces control 60% of Chasiv Yar (Getty Images)

Russian Forces control about 40% of Chasiv Yar in the Donetsk region. The city has been devastated by the Russian invasion, according to Andriy Polukhin, a representative of the press service of the 24th Mechanized Brigade named after King Danylo.

"At the moment, the enemy controls the part of the city located up to the canal. This is approximately 40% of the city," he said.

As the spokesperson explained, if Chasiv Yar is captured, Russian occupation forces will gain a tactical advantage over the heights above the cities of Kostiantynivka, Druzhkivka, and Kramatorsk, as well as the logistical routes between them.

Polukhin added that Chasiv Yar had been destroyed due to the fighting, similar to what happened in Bakhmut and Avdiivka.

"It's just ruins. The enemy does not consider these territories as their own; they are simply destroying everything in their path," said the representative of the 24th Mechanized Brigade.

Russian troops control about 40% of Chasiv Yar - Defense Forces

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Fights for Chasiv Yar

Chasiv Yar is located in the eastern part of the Donetsk region. This settlement is the next city after Bakhmut. It is situated 10 km from Bakhmut and 65 km from Donetsk. Before the full-scale war, approximately 14,000 people lived there.

Heavy fighting has been ongoing in this area for a long time. Chasiv Yar opens the way to the Kramatorsk agglomeration and to such cities in the Donetsk region as Kostiantynivka and Druzhkivka.

As noted by the General Staff, on the Kramatorsk front, Ukrainian defenders thwarted 11 enemy breakthrough attempts in the past day. There were 195 combat engagements on the front over the past day.