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Russian troops active in 3 directions: Ukrainian General Staff details frontline situation

Russian troops active in 3 directions: Ukrainian General Staff details frontline situation Photo: illustrated image (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Since the beginning of the day, June 13, 41 combat engagements were registered in the frontline. Russia continues to try to push through the Ukrainian defense in the Pokrovsk sector, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Currently, Russia is most active in the Kurakhove, Pokrovsk, and Kramatorsk directions.

Situation in sectors

In the Kupiansk sector, Russians are trying to impose an initiative near Synkivka, Petropavlivka, Stelmakhivka, and Berestove. 3 firefights are currently underway.

In the Lyman sector, a battle is ongoing near Hrekivka

Russia has already attacked the Kramatorsk sector 7 times. 5 Russian assaults were repelled. Firefights are currently ongoing near Nove and Andriivka.

In the Pokrovsk sector, Russia does not give up its intention to push our defense. Fighting continues in the areas of Novooleksandrivka, Kalynove, and Novoselivka Persha. As of today, Ukrainian defenders have repelled 6 Russian attacks here, and two more are ongoing.

The situation in the Kurakhove sector is hot. 4 Russian assault attacks were repelled. Another 7 combat engagements are ongoing near Krasnohorivka, Heorhiivka, and Paraskoviivka.

In the Prydniprovskyi sector, Russia attacked Ukrainian positions near Krynky three times.

"The situation in other sectors remains unchanged," the General Staff adds.

Situation at front

According to analysts at the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), Russia is increasingly using recruits from Serbia, Cuba, and African countries to fight against Ukraine.

Also, according to the General Staff, over the past day, Ukrainian soldiers destroyed another 980 Russian troops.