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Russian terror must lose: Zelenskyy on attack in Zaporizhzhia

Russian terror must lose: Zelenskyy on attack in Zaporizhzhia Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine (
Author: Maria Kholina

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has labeled the Russian missile strike on a residential building in Zaporizhzhia as a continuation of the aggressor nation's tactics of terror - a war against the civilian population, according to the head of state's Telegram channel.

"Zaporizhzhia. Terrorist missile attacks on the city, its infrastructure, and a residential building - just an ordinary five-story apartment block. Eight apartments have been destroyed, and there are casualties and fatalities. There may be people trapped under the rubble," the President revealed.

He added that emergency rescue operations are currently underway.

Zelenskyy expressed his condolences to all those whose loved ones have lost their lives due to Russian terror.

"The evil state continues its strategy of waging war against civilians and its campaign of terror. I thank everyone who does not remain indifferent and supports us in overcoming it. We will do everything to bring the terrorist state to justice. Russian terror must lose," emphasized the President.

Зеленський відреагував на удар по будинку в Запоріжжі: Російський терор має програти

Photo: the scene of the incident in Zaporizhzhia - the apartment building that was hit by a Russian missile (photo:

Missile attack on Zaporizhzhia on October 18

On the night of October 18, Russian forces launched six missiles of an, as yet, undetermined type at Zaporizhzhia. One of these missiles struck a multi-story residential building in the city center. The attack resulted in the loss of two lives, with three more individuals sustaining injuries.

Acting Mayor of Zaporizhzhia, Anatolii Kurtyev, reported that the building was severely damaged by the impact. Yurii Malashko, the head of the Zaporizhzhia Military Administration, clarified that the missile strike during the night caused injuries to two men aged 25 and 29, as well as a 48-year-old woman. The deseased are two men.

Approximately 50 residents of the affected building were evacuated by emergency services responding to the missile shelling.

Search and rescue operations are ongoing, with concerns that three more residents may be trapped under the rubble of the building.

Previously, the police revealed a video showing the rescue of an individual from beneath the rubble of the Zaporizhzhia residential building.