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Russian strike in Kostiantynivka: Three children among victims identified

Russian strike in Kostiantynivka: Three children among victims identified Photo: three children died as a result of shelling of Kostiantynivka on August 9 (illustration / s dnipropetrovskaODA)

Law enforcement officials have identified all the victims of the Russian attack on a shopping center in Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region, which occurred on August 9. A total of three children were killed.

"Identification and recognition of the bodies of those killed in the missile strike on a shopping center in Kostiantynivka have been completed," the statement reads.

According to final reports, 14 people were killed in the attack, including three children — girls aged 9, 11, and 16.

A total of 44 people sustained varying degrees of injuries.

Russian strike in Kostiantynivka

On August 9, Russian occupiers carried out an airstrike on Kostiantynivka, using what is believed to be a Kh-38 missile. Initially, it was reported that two children — a 9-year-old and an 11-year-old girl — had died. Additionally, a police officer was killed in the strike on the shopping center.

The Donetsk Regional Prosecutor's Office is conducting a pre-trial investigation into the war crime charges (Part 2, Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).