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Russian spies recruiting Ukrainian refugees in Latvia: What intelligence agencies say

Russian spies recruiting Ukrainian refugees in Latvia: What intelligence agencies say Russian spies recruiting Ukrainian refugees in Latvia (

The Latvian State Security Service reports that Russian intelligence agencies try to recruit refugees from Ukraine, according to Delfi.

The State Security Service conducted an analysis and found out that such attempts mostly occur during the border crossing on Russian territory.

Russian FSB agents, often posing as border guards, conduct lengthy interviews with Ukrainians, which essentially serve as interrogations. They inquire about their biography, contacts within Ukrainian security structures, and events in war zones.

Furthermore, Ukrainian refugees are questioned about Ukrainian troops' deployment, tactics, and Western defense support. In most cases, the purpose of these in-depth interrogations is to gather information, but sometimes, open recruitment attempts also follow.

Russian spies in Europe

Last week, the Latvian State Security Service detained a man who was a supporter of the Telegram community "Antifascists of the Baltics", suspecting him of spying for Russia.

Additionally, in Poland, a Russian agent was recently arrested for observing military facilities and seaports. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Poland stated that this was the 15th individual arrested as part of an investigation into a spy network.

In the UK, three Bulgarian citizens living near the Northolt military facility in western London were detained, suspected of spying for Russia. The British counterterrorism police publicly stated that there was an increasing amount of espionage, particularly from Russia.