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Russian shelling of Zaporizhzhia: Number of injured increased, including two children

Russian shelling of Zaporizhzhia: Number of injured increased, including two children Photo: aftermath of the shelling in Zaporizhzhia on September 23 (

The number of people injured as a result of the nighttime attack by Russian forces on downtown Zaporizhzhia has risen to 22, including two children, according to the State Emergency Service.

According to reports, the injured include 13 women, 7 men, and two children. A total of 27 city residents have been rescued. Two women remain in the hospital, with doctors assessing their condition as moderate.

The State Emergency Service stated that throughout the day, rescuers, along with workers from the municipal emergency rescue service, have been dismantling unstable, destroyed structures from the upper floors of buildings.

Nighttime shelling of Zaporizhzhia

On September 22, around 11:00 PM (Kyiv time), explosions were heard in Zaporizhzhia. Prior to this, the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine had warned of the threat of airstrikes.

Later, the head of the regional military administration and the National Police of the Zaporizhzhia region reported that Russia had likely used guided aerial bombs.

The attack caused significant damage: 13 apartment buildings, educational institutions, private homes, garages, and cars were affected. The Russian forces carried out at least seven airstrikes on the city and the Zaporizhzhia district.