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Russian Savasleyka airbase attacked by drones: Ukrainian Intelligence reveals aftermath of strike

Russian Savasleyka airbase attacked by drones: Ukrainian Intelligence reveals aftermath of strike Illustrative photo: Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine attacked the Savasleyka airfield (

Ukrainian kamikaze drones attacked the Russian airfield Savasleyka on August 16. Three Russian aircraft were destroyed in the attack, according to sources.

According to sources, on August 16, as part of an operation by the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, kamikaze drones struck the military airfield Savasleyka located in Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia.

Sources in military intelligence report that the attack destroyed one MiG-31K/I aircraft, two Il-76 aircraft, and damage to approximately five other aircraft, likely MiG-31K/I.

Before this, another strike was carried out on the airfield on August 13. This attack hit a fuel depot and damaged a MiG-31K/I aircraft.

According to space intelligence, at the time of the August 13 attack, the airfield housed 11 MiG-31K/I aircraft, one Il-76, and five Mi-8 and Mi-24 helicopters.

What is known about Savasleyka

The airfield Savasleyka is a military airfield located in Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia, near the eponymous village. It is used by Russia for training aviation specialists, testing new types of aviation equipment, and conducting pilot training.

The airfield hosts various types of combat aircraft, including fighters and bombers, as well as training aviation units. It is known for conducting special tests of new aviation technologies and equipment, and for servicing aircraft from different military units.

What preceded

According to sources from RBC-Ukraine, on Wednesday, August 14, Ukraine carried out the largest attack on Russian airfields to date, targeting Voronezh, Kursk, Savasleyka, and Borisoglebsk.

Social media reported that ten explosions were heard in the area of the Savasleyka airfield. However, there were no immediate reports on the impact of the attack at that time.

For more details about the largest attack on Russian airfields since the beginning of the war, you can read the material by RBC-Ukraine.