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Russian refinery and power plant hit in massive attack: Details emerging

Russian refinery and power plant hit in massive attack: Details emerging Illustrative photo: Russia claims a massive drone attack on September 1 (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Russia announced a massive drone attack on September 1. It claims that 15 regions were attacked, including Moscow and the region.

Read more about the attack and its consequences in the material by RBC-Ukraine below.


What the Defense Ministry says

The night of Saturday, September 1, and the morning in Russia were troubled. In a number of regions, explosions were heard and unidentified drones were spotted.

The Russian Ministry of Defense claimed that air defense forces intercepted a total of 158 drones over Russia.

According to the Ministry of Defense, 46 drones were intercepted over Kursk region, 34 over Bryansk region, 28 over Voronezh region, 14 over Belgorod region, eight over Ryazan region, two over Moscow, seven over Moscow region, five over Kaluga region, four over Lipetsk region, three over Tula region, and two each over Tambov and Smolensk regions. One drone was intercepted over each of the Orlov, Tver, and Ivanovo regions.

Thus, Russia claims that 14 Russian regions and the capital, Moscow, were allegedly attacked.

Moscow and the region

Russia reported that a refinery in Moscow was attacked. Photos and videos of the burning refinery were circulated on Russian social media.

Photo: Blaze at Moscow refinery (

It has been reported that the Moscow Refinery was attacked. This oil processing plant, owned by Gazprom Neft, is located in the Kapotnya district of Moscow. It was commissioned in 1938 and specializes in fuel production.

A major fire broke out at the refinery. Russia's Emergency Ministry stated that the fire was initially classified as a high-level emergency (level five), indicating significant damage. The fire's classification was later downgraded to level two. Firefighting efforts included the use of helicopters.

According to Russian reports, there were no casualties.

Russian officials reported an alleged attempt to attack the Kashira District Power Plant in the Moscow region. According to local authorities, three drones reportedly attempted to strike the power plant but were shot down before reaching their target.

Witnesses shared videos showing an explosion in the vicinity of the station.

Due to the drone attacks, Moscow airports—Vnukovo, Domodedovo, and Zhukovsky—stopped operating. 43 planes landed at alternate airfields.

Tver region

In the Tver region, the local power plant in Konakovo and the gas distribution network located a few kilometers away were hit.

Russia claims that five drones were destroyed near Konakovo. However, it is known that a serious fire broke out at a solar power plant in the Tver region. Local residents have shared footage of the incident online.

In other regions of Russia, according to the reports, there were no consequences. In Yaroslavl, the entry and exit from the city was blocked during the attack.

Sources: Telegram channels of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, Astra, Baza, TASS, and the governors of Moscow and Tver regions.