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Russian propaganda spreads fake statement from Ukrainian Foreign Minister on US aid

Russian propaganda spreads fake statement from Ukrainian Foreign Minister on US aid Photo: Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Russian propaganda has spread a fake statement attributed to Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. The fake news concerns US aid, according to Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Heorhii Tykhyi.

On July 31, Russian propaganda spread a claim that allegedly Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba had called on Israel through X to avoid escalating tensions with Iran, suggesting that US aid might be insufficient.

"It's crucial to remember that resources are finite, even for such a great power as the United States. Israel should avoid escalating tensions with Iran. To defeat Russia, we need our allies' full support," the fake statement says.

The Foreign Ministry spokesperson emphasized that the information spread by propaganda is fake, and anyone can check the official account of the Minister to see that no such post exists.

"But, because Russian propaganda is working hard to spread this lame forgery, I can officially confirm that it is a fake. Ukraine's foreign minister has never stated this," Tykhyi said.

US aid to Ukraine

The US is a leading provider of military aid to Ukraine. At the same time, Washington is also providing assistance to Israel amid escalating conflicts in the Middle East.

Ukraine has received tanks, multiple launch rocket systems, armored vehicles, missiles, ammunition, portable air defense and anti-tank systems, and other weaponry from the US.

Recently, the White House announced two additional military aid packages for Ukraine, which include munitions for HIMARS systems, missiles, ammunition, and other weapons.