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Russian occupiers increase number of surveillance cameras in occupied territories

Russian occupiers increase number of surveillance cameras in occupied territories Photo: the number of surveillance cameras is increasing in the occupied territories (

Russians are increasing the number of surveillance cameras in large settlements in temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. They use them to search for disloyal local residents, reports the National Resistance Center.

Primarily, this concerns cities in the south, where the enemy actively persecutes Ukrainians suspected of "disloyalty." Officially, cameras are installed for "enhanced security." In reality, Russians use surveillance cameras to search for "extremists," meaning local residents.

In particular, this is why cameras are installed around military facilities, fake occupation institutions, and railway tracks.

Activity of invaders in temporarily occupied territories

Previously, the National Resistance Center established that representatives of the Russian military-industrial complex complain about losses due to the war with Ukraine.

Additionally, Russians have devised a new way to control enterprises in the occupied territory.

Furthermore, the occupiers continue to pressure employees of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant who refused to cooperate with them but did not leave Enerhodar. Occupants summon specialists for questioning and threaten their families.