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Russian military dropped bomb on the Berislavsky district, Kherson region - Man injured

Russian military dropped bomb on the Berislavsky district, Kherson region - Man injured Russians have once again shelled the Berislavsky district (photo: Getty Images)

Russian occupiers dropped a precision-guided aerial bomb on the Berislav district of the Kherson region. As a result of this hostile attack, a man was injured, reports Oleksandr Prokudin, the Head of the Kherson Regional State Administration.

"Russian forces deployed a precision-guided aerial bomb on the Kostyrka area in the Berislav district," stated Prokudin.

According to his information, a 54-year-old man sustained injuries due to the bomb's impact. He has been transported to the hospital with facial injuries.

Shelling on Kherson

After the liberation of the right-bank part of the Kherson region by Ukrainian Forces, Russian forces have been daily shelling the city of Kherson and other populated areas in the region.

Furthermore, the Kherson Regional State Administration has reported an increase in the number of shelling incidents targeting Kherson and the surrounding areas. They specify that Russian forces have started to use more aerial bombs and missiles, which had not been commonly used before.

On Thursday, October 5, Russian forces shelled Kherson twice – in the morning and during the day. Additionally, the Russian army callously targeted a hospital and an external aid station in the Kherson region, resulting in casualties, including a paramedic.