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Russian losses in the war on August 3: 620 soldiers, 35 drones, 21 armored vehicles, and 26 artillery systems

Russian losses in the war on August 3: 620 soldiers, 35 drones, 21 armored vehicles, and 26 artillery systems Ukrainian Armed Forces General Staff updates Russian losses in the war on August 3 (Photo: Getty Images)

According to the Ukrainian Armed Forces General Staff, Russian losses in the war in Ukraine as of Thursday morning, August 3, amounted to 620 soldiers. The total number of losses suffered by the Russian army since the beginning of the invasion has reached 247,850 military personnel. Additionally, Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed 35 drones, 21 armored vehicles, and 26 artillery systems.

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 03.08.23 were approximately:

  • personnel ‒ about 247850 (+620) persons were liquidated,
  • tanks ‒ 4224 (+7),
  • APV ‒ 8234 (+21),
  • artillery systems – 4892 (+26),
  • MLRS – 704 (+4),
  • anti-aircraft warfare systems ‒ 465 (+2),
  • aircraft – 315 (+0),
  • helicopters – 311 (+0),
  • UAV operational-tactical level – 4077 (+35),
  • cruise missiles ‒ 1347 (+0),
  • warships / boats ‒ 18 (+0),
  • vehicles and fuel tanks – 7372 (+23),
  • special equipment ‒ 721 (+3).

Frontline situation

According to the General Staff's data, in the past 24 hours, on August 2, there were 44 combat clashes on the front lines. The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue their offensive operation in the Melitopol and Berdyansk directions, consolidating their achieved positions, and conducting counter-battery measures. Specifically, Ukrainian forces are advancing near Bakhmut, while positional battles are ongoing in Klyshchiivka.