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Russian losses in Kharkiv and Pokrovsk directions: Over 100 militaries, damaged Grad system

Russian losses in Kharkiv and Pokrovsk directions: Over 100 militaries, damaged Grad system Archive photo: Armed Forces destroyed more than 100 military personnels (facebook com Ministry of Defense UA)

Ukrainian soldiers in the Kharkiv and Pokrovsk directions have destroyed over 100 Russian military personnel and damaged an enemy Grad launcher, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Kharkiv direction

The General Staff reported that there have been 12 clashes in the Kharkiv direction since the beginning of the day.

"Combat is ongoing in the areas of Vovchansk and Starytsia. Russian aviation dropped guided bombs on Vovchansk, Lyptsi, and three at once on Bilyi Kolodiaz," the military explained.

At the same time, the department specifies that the situation remains under the control of Ukrainian units, and our soldiers are inflicting fire defeats on the enemy.

The total losses of the enemy on this front today already amount to 71 individuals and 14 units of armament and military equipment. Among other things, a Russian MLRS BM-21 Grad was damaged.

Pokrovsk direction

Battles continue in the Pokrovsk direction in the areas of the settlements Kalynove, Novooleksandrivka, Sokil, Umanske, and Progress. Overall, the enemy has attempted to improve their tactical position 33 times. Ukrainian defenders are responding harshly to the Russian troops.

"At present, the enemy has lost a total of 47 military personnel and 14 units of armament and military equipment here," reported the General Staff.

In particular, the Kub SAM system and MT-LB were destroyed, one tank was damaged, and one heavy flamethrower system TOS-1 belonging to the Russians was damaged.

Other front areas

The General Staff reported that the enemy continues active operations on most fronts, attempting to breach the defense of Ukrainian forces. There have been 86 clashes during the current day.

  • Kupyansk direction: Russian troops attacked our defensive lines nine times. Combat clashes continue in the areas of the settlements Synkivka and Ivanivka.

  • Siversk direction: Fighting has not ceased in the area of Bilohorivka.

  • Kramatorsk direction: The number of clashes during the current day has increased to ten. Ukrainian soldiers continue to repel enemy assaults in the area of the settlement Klishchiivka. The enemy has no success.

  • Vremivka direction: The sixth unsuccessful attempt today by the aggressors to advance towards the village of Staromaiorske was repelled by our defenders.

  • Prydniprovsk direction: Russian forces conducted airstrikes in the areas of Novoberyslav and Vesele, dropping three guided aerial bombs on each location.

Battles in Kharkiv region

Russian forces continue to attack the positions of Ukrainian troops in the northern part of the region. Ukrainian Armed Forces are holding back the enemy onslaught.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated today that the Ukrainian Defense Forces are eliminating Russian troops in the Kharkiv region and the results there are tangible.