ua en ru

Russian jet accidentally drops bomb near Russian city of Belgorod

Russian jet accidentally drops bomb near Russian city of Belgorod Photo: Su-34, carrier of FAB-500 aerial bombs (

Russian aviation once again accidentally dropped a bomb on one of the settlements in the Belgorod region. Residents of the village are planned to be evacuated, according to the Telegram channel Baza.

"A FAB-500 bomb fell in the Belgorod region," the message reads.

According to preliminary information, the FAB-500 fell on May 12 near a house on Vereskovaya Street in the settlement of Razumnoye-54 in the Belgorod region.

"Local residents reported the fall of the ammunition to emergency services. The heavy bomb buried itself in the ground and did not explode," the Telegram channel notes.

Під Бєлгородом окупанти знову "впустили" авіабомбу

Russian forces accidentally dropped a FAB-500 aerial bomb near Belgorod on May 12 (

At the same time, according to Baza, residents of nearby buildings are planned to be evacuated. It is also reported that there are supposedly no casualties.

Not the first time

Russian pilots regularly accidentally drop aerial bombs. For example, at the end of March, Russian aviation conducted bombing raids on the territory of the Belgorod region, dropping two 500-kilogram FABs.

At the same time, the British Ministry of Defense believes that Russia has problems with the use of aerial bombs, which they sometimes drop on their own territory.

It's worth noting that not only aerial bombs fall on the heads of residents of Russia and the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine. Literally on May 12, a Russian drone Orlan crashed in the temporarily occupied town of Dovzhansk, Luhansk region.