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Russian drones may have been spying on Germany's critical infrastructure - Bild

Russian drones may have been spying on Germany's critical infrastructure - Bild Illustrative photo: Russian drones may have been spying on Germany's critical infrastructure (

Russians may have been using drones to spy directly on German territory, Bild informs.

According to the news agency, unknown drones were first spotted over German territory in early August. On August 22, they were seen over a non-operational nuclear power plant, chemical factories, and an LNG terminal in the state of Schleswig-Holstein. It is noted that one of them was moving at a speed of about 100 kilometers per hour.

Sources of the source claim that these were likely reconnaissance drones illegally present in German airspace. They were possibly Russian Orlan-10 drones, capable of flying up to 600 km. The drones may have been launched by Russians from ships located in the North Sea.

Sabotage at military bases in Germany

Recently, Germany raised suspicions about possible biological or chemical contamination of water supplied to a Bundeswehr base.

Interestingly, during the training of Ukrainian soldiers at German training grounds, unknown drones were also regularly observed flying overhead.