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Russian drone debris in Romania, Leopard 2 tanks for Ukraine - Thursday brief

Russian drone debris in Romania, Leopard 2 tanks for Ukraine - Thursday brief RBC-Ukraine collage

Romania found the debris of the Shahed drones on its territory after the Russian attack on Ukraine. Meanwhile, Denmark and the Netherlands pledged to provide Ukraine with Leopard 2 tanks.

Read more about what happened on Thursday, July 25.

Romania confirms Russian drone debris found on its territory, informs allies

Romania found the wreckage of the Shahed drones on its territory after the Russian night attack on Ukraine, according to Romanian Foreign Minister Luminița Odobescu.

Netherlands and Denmark to deliver batch of Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine

The 14 Leopard 2A4 tanks purchased by the Netherlands and Denmark for Ukraine will be shipped this summer. The combat vehicles have been repaired and tested in recent months.

The last 2 tanks are undergoing verification tests, and the first 12 are ready for shipment. All 14 tanks will be delivered by the end of the summer.

Russian missile that struck Okhmatdyt contained American chip - NYT

This month, Russian forces attacked the Okhmatdyt children's hospital in Kyiv with a missile. It turned out that the Russian cruise missile contained a chip from the United States, according to The New York Times.

One of the important chips in the Russian missiles was the Field Programmable Gate Array (F.P.G.A.), manufactured by the American companies Advanced Micro Devices and Intel.

18-year-old suspect in Ukraine's ex-MP murder arrested in Dnipro

An 18-year-old suspect of murdering former Ukrainian MP and linguist Iryna Farion has been detained in Dnipro.

According to the Minister of Internal Affairs Ihor Klymenko, the investigation is now inclined to believe that the shooter is only the executor.