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Russian air strikes on Myrnohrad and Kurakhove: 5 wounded, including child

Russian air strikes on Myrnohrad and Kurakhove: 5 wounded, including child Russian air strikes on Myrnohrad and Kurakhove (photo:

On July 27, Russians shelled Kurakhove and Myrnohrad in the Donetsk region with guided bombs and a FAB. Five people were wounded, including an 11-year-old child, according to the Donetsk Regional Prosecutor's Office.


On July 27, the Russian army carried out three air strikes on Kurakhove with guided bombs, probably KAB-250, in the center of the town.

Four civilians were injured. Three women aged 19, 40, 58 and a 50-year-old man were taken to the hospital with multiple shrapnel wounds,” the prosecutor's office said.


The Russians also attacked Myrnohrad, having allegedly used FAB-500 glide bomb. An 11-year-old girl who was in the yard of a private house was wounded. The child was diagnosed with mine-blast trauma and a cut wound on the forearm.

Multifamily and private residential buildings, educational institutions, a car, and a transformer substation were damaged.

Shelling of Kurakhove and Myrnohrad

Russian troops are constantly shelling settlements in the Donetsk region. Kurakhove and Myrnohrad are no exception.

For example, in May, the Russians attacked Kurakhove in the Donetsk region. Two people were killed. Two more people were injured.

In mid-July, the invaders shelled Myrnohrad, Donetsk region. One person was killed and six others were injured.