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Russia using 'human wave attacks,' but without success: Ukrainian military on Kupiansk situation

Russia using 'human wave attacks,' but without success: Ukrainian military on Kupiansk situation Serhiі Cherevatyi, Spokesperson of the Operational Command East of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

The situation in Kupiansk remains difficult but controlled. The enemy is attempting "human wave attacks," however, without success, according to Serhiі Cherevatyi, Spokesperson of the Operational Command East of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

As Cherevatyi explains, the Russians are trying to seize the initiative from our soldiers and break through the defense. The Commander of the Ground Forces, Oleksandr Syrskii, visited the Kupiansk direction, listened to the commanders, and made decisions that will significantly help to organize the defense there. The situation remains difficult but controlled.

According to the Spokesperson of the Operational Command East, the Russian occupiers want to replicate the experience of the "Wagner Group" in using "human wave attacks," but they have not achieved positive results.

"This is their 'response' to 'Wagner.' These are the 'Storm Z' battalions. But I believe that thanks to our defense forces, they will repeat the same 'feat of Wagner'," Cherevatyi added.

Situation on the Kupiansk front

As Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Hanna Maliar, explained, during the past week, the enemy attempted to regain control over the territories in the Kharkiv region that were previously lost. As a result, the Kupiansk sector became the most intense.

According to Cherevatyi, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are aware of the plans of the Russian occupiers and are thwarting them.