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Russia-Ukraine war: Frontline update as of July 18

Russia-Ukraine war: Frontline update as of July 18 Photo: Ukraine's Armed Forces destroyed two important Russian facilities over the past day (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Over the past day, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have attacked places where Russian equipment and troops have been concentrated and also hit two important Russian targets, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

Yesterday, the aviation, missile forces, and artillery of the Ukrainian Defense Forces conducted two strikes on Russia's military equipment and manpower, destroying two command posts, an air defense facility, four radar and electronic warfare stations, and two other important Russian targets.

There were 144 combat engagements in the frontline over the last day.

In the Kharkiv sector, Russia continued offensive and assault operations. There were 20 combat engagements in the area. All of them took place in the areas of Hlyboke and Vovchansk.

Over the last day, up to 11 Russian attacks were registered in the Kupiansk sector.

In the Lyman sector, Ukrainian troops stopped 10 Russian attacks, in particular in the Serebryanske forestry.

In the Siversk sector, the Ukrainian Defense Forces repelled 10 Russian attacks.

Ukrainian troops stopped 6 Russian attempts to break through the defense in the Kramatorsk sector. The Russian troops, with the support of aviation, made the main efforts in the area of Chasiv Yar.

The Russian invaders continued to be active in the Toretsk sector yesterday. In total, Russians attacked the Ukrainian positions 29 times in the areas of Pavnichne and New York. They carried out airstrikes with drones.

In the Pokrovsk sector, Ukrainian troops repelled 26 Russian attacks, and the Russian invaders, supported by aviation, tried to force Ukrainian units out of their positions.

In the Kurakhove sector, the Ukrainian Defense Forces stopped Russian attacks, where the Russians tried to break through the defense of Ukrainian troops 12 times.

In the Vremivka sector, Russia conducted 3 assaults on Ukrainian positions.

7 combat engagements took place in the Orikhiv sector. In addition, the Russian invaders fired about a hundred unguided missiles.

In the Prydniprovskyi sector, the Russian occupants continue to try to drive the Ukrainian Defense Forces units from their positions on the left bank of the Dnipro River. Five Russian attacks were unsuccessful.

In the Volyn and Polissia sectors, the operational situation remains unchanged. There are no signs of Russian offensive groups forming.

On the border with Chernihiv and Sumy regions, the Russian occupiers maintain a military presence, shelling settlements from the territory of Russia, and conducting sabotage and reconnaissance activities.

Russia's losses

Russia conceals the losses of its troops and equipment in the war against Ukraine.

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Russians have already lost more than 563,000 soldiers since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. In addition, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have destroyed thousands of Russian military equipment units.

Over the last day, Ukrainian defenders eliminated 1130 Russian invaders.