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Russia struggles to produce new equipment, reverts to Soviet-era weapons - Ukraine's intel

Russia struggles to produce new equipment, reverts to Soviet-era weapons - Ukraine's intel Representative of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Andrii Yusov (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Russia faces a problem with producing new equipment. It has to decommission and modernize old Soviet weapons, says Andrii Yusov, a representative of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine.

“Still, we are talking about providing modern means - modern weapons, modern equipment. Basically, the enemy is focused on the decommissioning and modernization of old Soviet weapons. It drives, it shoots, but it is still a problem,” he said.

According to the intelligence officer, Russia has a problem with the production of new equipment, particularly because of the sanctions policy.

“Access to modern electronic systems, modern optics, communication systems. The enemy really has big problems with all of this,” Yusov added.

Modernization of Russian weapons

Back in November last year, the Defense Intelligence said that Russia was modernizing its Kh-22 missiles, which they were converting into Kh-32.

In the same month, Russian troops allegedly used modified RBK-500 cluster bombs near the village of Staromaiorske, Donetsk region.

Rather new modification is the modernization of the FAB-3000, in which Russia has probably built a new module. Before modernizing these bombs, Russia used them to bomb Mariupol and in the war in Afghanistan.