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Russia strikes Mykolaiv region with drones: Fires break out, resort damaged

Russia strikes Mykolaiv region with drones: Fires break out, resort damaged Photo: Fires broke out in Mykolaiv region due to the Russian strike (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Last night, the Mykolaiv region came under a Russian kamikaze drone attack. Fires broke out in the Ochakiv and Koblevo communities, and civilian objects were damaged, according to Vitaliy Kim, head of the Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration.

At approximately 2:55 a.m., Russians attacked the Ochakiv and Koblevo communities with Shahed 131/136 attack drones, three fires broke out in open areas.

Firefighters have already extinguished the fires.

Consequences of Russian shelling

In addition, 3 private households were damaged in the Ochakiv and the Koblevo community, the blast wave damaged the windows of a utility room and a recreation center building.

There were no casualties.

Air defense

According to the head of the Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration, on the night of August 6, a total of 13 Shahed drones were destroyed by Ukrainian air defense forces in the region.

Russian night combined air attack

On the night of August 6, Russians attacked Ukraine with drones and missiles.

On Monday evening, Russia launched Shahed drones and ballistic missiles on Kyiv.

In Kyiv, there was no damage or casualties due to the Russian missile attack.

In addition, Russia shelled Kharkiv and the village of Tsyrkuny in the Kharkiv region at night.

Russia also attacked the Khmelnytskyi region. Later, there were reports of air defense operations in Odesa through the Russian Shahed attack.

Later, Russia attacked Sumy.