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Explosions in Kyiv: Russia attacked with ballistic missiles, likely Iskander-M or KN-23

Explosions in Kyiv: Russia attacked with ballistic missiles, likely Iskander-M or KN-23 The Kyiv Regional Military Administration described the Russian missile attack and the work of air defense in Kyiv (photo: collage by RBC-Ukraine)

In Kyiv, no damage was reported as a result of the nighttime enemy missile attack. There were also no casualties reported in the capital during the aerial assault, in which Russian forces likely used ballistic weapons similar to the Iskander-M or KN-23, according to Serhiy Popko, the head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration.

The official noted that on August 5 at around 11:00 PM, Russian forces launched a missile strike towards Kyiv and its suburbs.

"Preliminary information indicates that Russia used ballistic weapons similar to the Iskander-M or KN-23," he wrote in his Telegram.

The head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration added that air defense forces and equipment were active in Kyiv and its outskirts.

He mentioned that preliminary reports indicate damage from enemy missiles.

"At this moment, no damage has been reported in Kyiv, and there are no reports of casualties. Operational data is being updated and clarified," the administration chief informed.

What preceded this

Earlier, it was reported that the Ukrainian Air Force Command alerted about the ballistic threat and detected the movement of an enemy high-speed target towards Kyiv and the Kyiv region at around 11:00 PM on August 5.