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Russia stockpiling missiles at strategic aviation airbases - Center for Countering Disinformation

Russia stockpiling missiles at strategic aviation airbases - Center for Countering Disinformation Illustrative photo: Russia is stockpiling missiles at strategic aviation airbases (Getty Images)

Russia is stockpiling missiles at strategic aviation airbases, which may indicate preparations for missile strikes on Ukraine, according to Andrii Kovalenko, head of the Center for Countering Disinformation, in a Telegram post, as well as Russian Telegram channels.

"Unfortunately, Russia is stockpiling missiles at strategic aviation airbases. IL-76MD aircraft are transporting components, fuel, and the missiles themselves," Kovalenko wrote.

He also noted that Russia is conducting flights of Tu-22M3 and Tu-95MS aircraft between airbases.

"It is not ruled out that the enemy is continuing preparations for strikes," he emphasized.

Shelling of Ukraine's energy sector

Since the beginning of the year, Russia has carried out nine attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, leading to a shortage of capacity during peak hours.

In the summer, power outages resumed due to shelling, but the situation stabilized in the autumn.

The Center for Countering Disinformation predicts several scenarios for the autumn-winter period, with the optimistic forecast suggesting electricity will be available for 12 hours a day.

It is also worth noting that according to the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) Oleksandr Lytvynenko, Russia may resume massive attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure in the near future, potentially with the start of the heating season.