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Russia shells Nikopol with artillery: Damage and casualties reported

Russia shells Nikopol with artillery: Damage and casualties reported Photo: Russians shelled Nikopol with artillery, causing destruction and casualties (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Today, on August 1, Russia shelled Nikopol, Dnipropetrovsk region, with artillery. The Russian shelling caused casualties and destruction in the city, according to Serhii Lysak, head of the Dnipropetrovsk regional military administration.

The shelling in Nikopol killed two women - a mother and a daughter. One was 40 years old and the other was 72.

“These are tragic consequences of the Russian shelling. They hit the city with a dozen shells,” he adds.

In addition to the dead, there is a 46-year-old man who was injured.

Russia shells Nikopol with artillery: Damage and casualties reported

Photo: Russians shelled Nikopol with artillery, causing destruction and casualties (

Russia shells Nikopol with artillery: Damage and casualties reported

Photo: Russians shelled Nikopol with artillery, causing destruction and casualties (

Russia shells Nikopol with artillery: Damage and casualties reported

Photo: Russians shelled Nikopol with artillery, causing destruction and casualties (

Russia shells Nikopol with artillery: Damage and casualties reported

Photo: Russians shelled Nikopol with artillery, causing destruction and casualties (

Russia shells Nikopol with artillery: Damage and casualties reported

Photo: Russians shelled Nikopol with artillery, causing destruction and casualties (

Also as a result of the Russian strikes, multi-story buildings were damaged, a fire broke out on the balcony in one of them, and private houses, a fire station, a college, a school, and buses were damaged.

Russian shelling of Nikopol and district

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russia has been regularly shelling the Nikopol and the Nikopol district.

In early May, Russian troops shelled Nikopol, causing a fire in the city. 2 people were killed and 2 others were injured.

Also in June, Russians attacked the Nikopol district with artillery and attacked with kamikaze drones. The shelling also caused damage to infrastructure.