Council of Europe adopted declaration of Russian crimes in Ukraine

In the Latvian capital, Riga, justice ministers from member states and observers of the Council of Europe adopted a declaration outlining a set of principles to achieve "full accountability" for Russia's aggression against Ukraine and to provide compensation to all victims of the war, according to the official Council of Europe website.
This declaration is called the "Riga Principles."
They emphasize that the Register of Losses for Ukraine should adopt a victim-oriented approach to ensure legal remedies, especially for the most vulnerable groups, such as women and children.
Furthermore, the declaration underscores the "importance of assisting the national authorities in facilitating the coordination of domestic efforts" to support the functioning of the Register and meaningful consultations with civil society and non-governmental organizations.
"The ministers recalled the importance of the Register of Damage as the first step to ensure that Russia will pay for the damage it has caused in Ukraine through its unlawful war," as stated in the Council of Europe's announcement.
The Register has gathered all the claims and evidence, which will serve as the first component of a future international compensation mechanism.
"This will help ensure full and effective reparation for Ukraine and the victims through a separate international instrument to be established in cooperation with Ukraine," the article states.
The ministers emphasize that all allegations of crimes, including war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide committed by Russian forces in Ukraine, must be "fully investigated and, where warranted, prosecuted at national and international levels in order that those responsible are held accountable for their actions."
The ministers also expressed their support for the investigations and evidence-gathering efforts conducted by Ukraine, other national authorities, and the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Representatives of the Council of Europe also called on all relevant parties to actively participate in identifying the whereabouts of illegally deported and displaced Ukrainian children by Russian occupiers and to provide assistance for their safe return.
Tribunal for Russia and ISS order for Putin
In March 2023, the ICC issued an arrest warrant for Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. An arrest warrant was also issued for Maria Lvova-Belova, the authorized representative for the president of Russia for children's rights.
In early July, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly approved a resolution to establish a special tribunal to hold Russia accountable for war crimes committed in Ukraine. The group working on creating the tribunal for Russia's aggression against Ukraine includes 37 countries.
According to Fedor Venislavskyi, a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense, and Intelligence, the international special tribunal may start operating as early as next year.