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Russia's massive strike on Poltava kills 55, rubble still being cleared

Russia's massive strike on Poltava kills 55, rubble still being cleared Photo: Russia killed 55 people in Poltava (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The number of killed in the Russian massive strike on Poltava has increased again. Russia killed 55 people, according to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

Rubble is being removed from the site of the attack on the educational institution in Poltava, and a search operation is underway. There may still be people under the rubble.

According to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the number of killed has also increased to 328.

As of 3 p.m., rescuers have dismantled and removed more than 2,000 tonnes of construction waste.

Photo: Russia killed 55 people in Poltava (

Russian massive strike on Poltava

On Tuesday, September 3, Russia launched a large-scale attack on Poltava. Russia attacked the building of a training center, and a nearby hospital with ballistic missiles, and partially destroyed one of the buildings of the Institute of Communications.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said it was a calculated strike. The Russian missile flew for only three minutes, so people did not have time to take cover.

Read more about the Russian massive attack on Poltava and its consequences in RBC-Ukraine's report.