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Russia's losses in Ukraine as of September 21: +1,440 troops, dozens of tanks, UAVs and artillery systems

Russia's losses in Ukraine as of September 21: +1,440 troops, dozens of tanks, UAVs and artillery systems Photo: Ukrainian military (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Over the past day, September 20, Russia’s losses in the war against Ukraine amounted to 1,440 soldiers. In addition, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed dozens of enemy tanks, drones, and artillery systems, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Since the start of the full-scale invasion, as of September 21, Russia’s losses amount to:

  • Personnel: approximately 640,920 (+1,440) troops
  • Tanks: 8,746 (+21) units
  • Troop-carrying AFVs: 17,170 (+38) units
  • Artillery systems: 18,270 (+58) units
  • MLRS (Multiple launch rocket systems): 1,193 (+4) units
  • Anti-aircraft systems: 949 units
  • Aircraft: 369 units
  • Helicopters: 328 units
  • UAVs operational-tactical level: 15,561 (+92) units
  • Cruise missiles: 2,593 (+1) units
  • Warships/boats: 28 units
  • Submarines: 1 unit
  • Vehicles and fuel tankers: 24,966 (+68) units
  • Special equipment: 3,125 (+10) units

As of 10:00 p.m. on September 20, the military recorded 190 battles at the front since the beginning of the day. Nearly half of them took place in the Pokrovsk and Kurakhove directions.