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Russia's losses in Ukraine as of September 3: Over 1,360 soldiers and 36 drones more

Russia's losses in Ukraine as of September 3: Over 1,360 soldiers and 36 drones more Around 1,400 Russian soldiers were killed on the front line in a single day (photo: Getty Images)

Over the past 24 hours, from September 2 to 3, Russian forces have lost 1,360 soldiers, 35 troop-carrying AFVs, and 18 artillery systems on the frontlines, according to the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The total combat losses of the enemy from February 24, 2022, to September 2, 2024, are estimated to be:

  • personnel - about 618 960 (+1360) people were killed;
  • tanks - 8611 (+10) units;
  • troop-carrying AFVs - 16 821 (+35) units;
  • artillery systems - 17 664 (+18) units;
  • MLRS - 1177 units;
  • anti-aircraft systems - 940 units;
  • aircraft - 368 units;
  • helicopters - 328 units;
  • UAVs of operational and tactical level - 14 573 (+36) units;
  • cruise missiles - 2578 (+21) units;
  • warships/boats - 28 units;
  • submarines - 1 unit;
  • vehicles & fuel tanks - 23 972 (+47) units;
  • special equipment - 3002 (+9) units.

На фронті за добу знищено 1360 солдатів РФ і 36 ворожих безпілотників, - ЗСУ

According to ISW, in the past 24 hours, Ukrainian Defense Forces have partially regained positions near Pokrovsk in the Donetsk region. However, Russian forces continue to exert pressure near Siversk and Chasiv Yar.

On Monday, September 2, the Russian army launched missile strikes on Zaporizhzhia. The attack resulted in casualties and injuries, including children.